Monday, September 13, 2010

Documentary Filmmaker Visits Gordon

By Jon Knudtson
It's a rare treat to get to watch a documentary one night, hear the director talk in person the next day, and get to pick their brain about the film shortly after. That is exactly what students at Gordon got to do last week when Jody Hassett Sanchez came to the school.

Students seemed to be in agreement that the documentary Sold was entertaining, while being informative. "I thought it was really interesting that they were able to expose the slave trade in areas all over the world," said Tyler Hernandez, 21. "This is something that we really should be focused on ending."

Hassett Sanchez's also spoke to the entire school in convocation on Friday morning. she was able to talk about the slave trade, the making of the documentary, as well as the state of documentary film making. Hernandez said, "We students should realize how lucky we are to be able to interact in this way with filmmakers."

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