Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gordon Community Informed By Variety Of News Sources

Gordon Community Informed By Variety Of News Sources

By Jon Knudtson

Wenham, MA- When Gordon College was established in 1889, it’s doubtful that they were getting their news the same way people are today. While the community of old most likely got their news by reading daily newspapers and by word of mouth, today the sources of news are as varied as the people that attend Gordon.

Many students interviewed said that they get their news from online sources such as,, and It is much more convenient for the busy college student to check the World Wide Web for up to date news rather than to wait until the next day’s paper to come out.

Other students don’t even have to wait to get to a computer to get their news. Tyler Hernandez, a senior psychology major at Gordon College, said that he gets most of his news from The New York Times application on his phone. The application can be updated and checked the second that news is occurring. It is hard to imagine a more instant way to get your news.

Doug Barker, a junior history major, likes his news a different way. He reported that he gets most of his news from the Emmy award winning comedy news show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Stewart presents the news in a comedic fashion, while still making valid points and reporting accurately. Barker also said that he gets his news online from his grandfather’s blog,

Associate Professor of Communication Arts Rini Cobbey gets her news in a more traditional way. She said that she listens to National Public Radio to find out what is happening. While this is not as instant as a website or phone application, it may offer some comfort to hear the same radio voice delivering your news every day. She also said she frequents news websites like as well as

It is clear that today’s college students crave a more instant way of getting news than ever before. With the ability to check the internet from anywhere using phones, many young people would much rather not wait until the nightly news to find out what is happening in the world today.

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