Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Night, and Good Luck

Good Night, and Good Luck
By Jon Knudtson

Good Night, and Good Luck chronicles Ed Murrow and his news team's fight against Senator Joseph McCarthy and his search for communists living in the United States. George Clooney, in his directorial debut, uses black and white to masterfully recreate the feel of court room films from the fifties. Clooney also stars in the film, alongside David Strathairn and Robert Downey Jr. The entire cast does a great job of delivering subdued performances that would be typical of a fifties newsroom. The film also takes a look at how the the news is at times attempted to be censored, but the government as well as other outside sources. The film calls the viewer to action to not allow anything like these communist witch hunts to ever occur again, and offers this encouragement,"Good night, and good luck."

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